

This plugin has no requirements or dependencies.



    class_name = iCal
    class_path = plugins.ical


Because there is only one function you could access it directly by the object. With the above plugin.conf it would look like this: events = sh.ical('http://cal.server/my.ical').

This function has one mandatory and two optional arguments. sh.ical(file, delta=1, offset=0)

  • file: specify a local file or a url starting with ‘http://
  • delta: how many additional days should the analysed. By default it will for events for today and the next day (delta=1).
  • offset: when should the analysed timeframe start. By default today (offset = 0).

It returns a dictonary with a datetime.date object as key and an array with the event time and summary.

today = sh.now().date()
tomorrow = today + datetime.timedelta(days=1)

holidays = sh.ical('http://cal.server/holidays.ical')
if today in holidays:
    print 'yeah'
    print 'naah'

events = sh.ical('http://cal.server/events.ical')
for day in events:
    print("Date: {0}".format(day))
    for event in events[day]:
        time, summary = event
        print("Time: {0} {1}".format(time, summary))