
This plugin needs a running eibd.

Installing eibd

I’m using the vanilla eibd from Martins repository.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mkoegler/bcusdk
$ sudo apt-get install eibd-clients eibd-server libeibclient-dev



   class_name = KNX
   class_path = plugins.knx
#   host =
#   port = 6720
   send_time = 600 # update date/time every 600 seconds, default none
   time_ga = 1/1/1 # default none
   date_ga = 1/1/2 # default none
#   busmonitor = False

This plugins is looking by default for the eibd on port 6720. You could change this in your plugin.conf. If you specify a send_time intervall and a time_ga and/or date_ga the plugin sends the time/date every cycle seconds on the bus.

If you set busmonitor to True, every KNX packet will be logged.



This attribute is mandatory. If you don’t provide one the item will be ignored. The DPT has to match the type of the item!

The following datapoint types are supported:

DPT Data Type Values
1 1 bit bool True | False
2 2 bit list [0, 0] - [1, 1]
3 4 bit list [0, 0] - [1, 7]
4.002 8 bit str 1 character (8859_1) e.g. ‘c’
5 8 bit num 0 - 255
5.001 8 bit num 0 - 100
6 8 bit num -128 - 127
7 2 byte num 0 - 65535
8 2 byte num -32768 - 32767
9 2 byte num -671088,64 - 670760,96
10 3 byte foo datetime.time
11 3 byte foo
12 4 byte num 0 - 4294967295
13 4 byte num -2147483648 - 2147483647
14 4 byte num 4-Octet Float Value IEEE 754
16 14 byte str 14 characters (ASCII)
16.001 14 byte str 14 characters (8859_1)
17 8 bit num Scene: 0 - 63
20 8 bit num HVAC: 0 - 255
24 var str ulimited string (8859_1)
232 3 byte list RGB: [0, 0, 0] - [255, 255, 255]

If you are missing one, open a bug report or drop me a message in the knx user forum.


You could specify one or more group addresses to send updates to. Item update will only be sent if the item is not changed via KNX.


Similar to knx_send but will send updates even for changes vie KNX if the knx_status GA differs from the destination GA.


You could specify one or more group addresses to monitor for changes.


If you set this attribute, sends a read request to specified group address at startup and set the value of the item to the response. It implies ‘knx_listen’.


If you set this attribute, tries to read the cached value for the group address. If it fails it sends a read request to specified group address at startup and set the value of the item to the response. It implies ‘knx_listen’.


Specify one or more group addresses to allow reading the item value.


        type = bool
        knx_dpt = 1
        knx_send = 1/1/3
        knx_listen = 1/1/4 | 1/1/5
        knx_init = 1/1/4

        type = num
        knx_dpt = 9
        knx_send = 1/1/6
        knx_reply = 1/1/6
        ow_id = 28.BBBBB20000 # see 1-Wire plugin
        ow_sensor = temperature # see 1-Wire plugin


You could specify the knx_listen and knx_reply attribute to every logic in your logic.conf. The argument could be a single group address and dpt or a list of them.

    knx_dpt = 9
    knx_listen = 1/1/7

    knx_dpt = 9
    knx_reply = 1/1/8 | 1/1/8

If there is a packet directed to the according group address, would trigger the logic and will pass the payload (via the trigger object) to the logic.

In the context of the KNX plugin the trigger dictionary consists of the following elements:

  • trigger[‘by’] protocol (‘KNX’)
  • trigger[‘source’] PA (physical adress of the KNX packet source)
  • trigger[‘value’] payload


encode(data, dpt)

This function encodes your data according to the specified datapoint.

data = sh.knx.encode(data, 9)

groupwrite(ga, data, dpt)

With this function you could send the data to the specified group address.

sh.knx.groupwrite('1/1/10', 10.3, '9')

groupread(ga, cache=False)

This function triggers a read request on the specified group address. It doesn’t return the received value!

send_time(time_ga, date_ga)

This funcion send the current time and or date to the specified group address.

sh.knx.send_time('1/1/1', '1/1/2') # send the time to 1/1/1 and the date to 1/1/2
sh.knx.send_time('1/1/1') # only send the time to 1/1/1
sh.knx.send_time(data_ga='1/1/2') # only send the date to 1/1/2

Hint: instead of this function you could use the plugin attribute ‘send_time’ as described above.