
This plugin provides an WebSocket interface for the smartVISU visualisation framework. Right now the WebSocket interface only supports unencrypted connections. Please use a internal network or VPN to connect to the service.





    class_name = WebSocket
    class_path = plugins.visu
#   ip=''
#   port=2424
#   acl = ro
#   smartvisu_dir = False

This plugins listens by default on every IP address of the host on the TCP port 2424. It provides read only access to every item. By changing the acl attribute to rw or no you could modify this default The smartvisu_dir attribute is described in the smartVISU section.


Simply set the visu_acl attribute to something to allow read/write access to the item.

        value = True
        type = bool
        visu_acl = rw


You could specify the visu_acl attribute to every logic in your logic.conf. This way you could trigger the logic via the interface.

    filename = ''
    visu_acl = true


You could generate pages for the smartVISU visualisation if you specify the smartvisu_dir which should be set to the root directory of your smartVISU installation. In the examples directory you could find a configuration with every supported element. examples/items/smartvisu.conf

The attribute keywords are:

  • sv_page: to generate a page for this item. You have to specify sv_page = room to activate it. Every widget beneath this item will be included in the page.
  • sv_img: with this attribute you could assign an icon or picture for a page or widget.
  • sv_widget: This has to be a double quoted encapsulated string with the smartVISU widget. You could define multiple widgets by separating them by a comma. See the example below:
        name = Sleeping Room
        sv_page = room
        sv_img = scene_sleeping.png
            name = Light
            type = bool
            visu_acl = rw
            sv_widget = {{ device.dimmer('second.sleeping.light', 'Light', 'second.sleeping.light', 'second.sleeping.light.level') }}
            knx_dpt = 1
            knx_listen = 3/2/12
            knx_send = 3/2/12
                type = num
                visu_acl = rw
                knx_dpt = 5
                knx_listen = 3/2/14
                knx_send = 3/2/14

But instead of giving the widget distinct options you could use item as a keyword. The page generator will replace it with the current path. This way you could easily copy widget calls and don’t type the item path every time.

        name = Sleeping Room
        sv_page = room
        sv_img = scene_sleeping.png
            name = Light
            type = bool
            visu_acl = rw
            sv_widget = {{ device.dimmer('item', '', 'item', 'item.level') }}
            knx_dpt = 1
            knx_listen = 3/2/12
            knx_send = 3/2/12
                type = num
                visu_acl = rw
                knx_dpt = 5
                knx_listen = 3/2/14
                knx_send = 3/2/14