


The rrd plugin and the sqlite plugin can not be used together. Some pros and cons:

RRD + a stable, reliable tool + is used in a many data logging and graphing tools - slow moving development - only few new features on the roadmap

SQLite + part of python, no additional installation necessary + accurate logging of changing times + more analysis functionality


    class_name = SQL
    class_path = plugins.sqlite
#   path = None

The path attribute allows you to specify the of the SQLite database.


For num and bool items, you could set the attribute: sqlite. By this you enable logging of the item values. If you set this attribute to init, SmartHome.py tries to set the item to the last know value (like cache = yes).

    name = Outside
        name = Temperatur
        type = num
        sqlite = yes


This plugin adds one item method to every item which has sqlite enabled.

sh.item.db(function, start, end=’now’)

This method returns you an value for the specified function and timeframe.

Supported functions are:

  • avg: for the average value
  • max: for the maximum value
  • min: for the minimum value
  • on: percentage (as float from 0.00 to 1.00) where the value has been greater than 0.

For the timeframe you have to specify a start point and a optional end point. By default it ends ‘now’. The time point could be specified with <number><interval>, where interval could be:

  • i: minute
  • h: hour
  • d: day
  • w: week
  • m: month
  • y: year


sh.outside.temperature.db('min', '1d')  # returns the minimum temperature within the last day
sh.outside.temperature.db('avg', '2w', '1w')  # returns the average temperature of the week before last week