
  • smartmeter using DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) IEC 62056-21
  • ir reader e.g. from volkszaehler.org
  • serial port/USB-serial adapter
  • python3-serial

install by

$ apt-get install python3-serial

make sure the serial port can be used by the user executing smarthome.py

Example (adapt the vendor- and product-id!):

echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0403", ATTR{idProduct}=="6010", MODE="666"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-smartmeter.rules
udevadm trigger

If you like, you can also give the serial port a descriptive name with this.

Supported Hardware

  • smart meters using using DLMS (Device Language Message Specification) IEC 62056-21
  • e.g. Landis & Gyr ZMD120



    class_name = DLMS
    class_path = plugins.dlms
    serialport = /dev/ttyO1
#    baudrate = 300
#    update_cycle = 20
#    use_checksum = no
#    reset_baudrate = no
#    no_waiting = yes

Description of the attributes:

  • baudrate: sets the baudrate used for reading from the meter - can be used to force specific baudrate (300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,auto - default: ‘auto’)
  • update_cycle: interval in seconds how often the data is read from the meter - be careful not to set a shorter interval than a read operation takes (default: 60)
  • use_checksum: controls the checksum check of the received data - disable if you get continuous checksum errors/timeouts (yes/no - default: yes)
  • reset_baudrate: determines if the baudrate is reset to 300 baud in every read cycle or left at full speed - disable to improve performance if your meter allows it (yes/no - default: yes)
  • no_waiting: omit additional waiting times required for some meters - enable to improve performance if your meter allows it (yes/no - default: no)

Setup procedure:

  1. Set only serialport and start in debug-mode
  • not working: try to disable use_checksum / use fixed baudrate / cry for help
  • working: move on
  1. Optimize for speed
  • disable reset_baudrate - still works?
  • enable no_waiting - still works?
  1. Read the time a reading takes from the debug-output
  • set update_cycle to a meaningfull value


You can use all obis codes available by the meter.

To get a list of all available OBIS codes of your reader, start smarthome.py in Debug-mode. All codes which can be obtained from the reader will be printer after the first successful read operation.

Attributes: * dlms_obis_code: obis code such as ‘x.y’, ‘x.y.z’ or ‘x.y.z*q’

    type = num
    dlms_obis_code = 1.8.1
    type = num
    dlms_obis_code = 2.8.1