
The configuration of is split up in four areas:

  • Basic Configuration: etc/smarthome.conf
  • Logic Configuration: etc/logic.conf
  • Plugin Configuration: etc/plugin.conf
  • Item Configuration: items/*.conf

etc/smarthome.conf [optional]

Following attributes are supported in smarthome.conf:

  • lat, lon, elev: geographic coordinates of your home (latitude, longitude, elevation). lat and lon are necessary for sunrise/sunset calculation, dealing with the position of the sun.
  • tz: timezone
  • item_change_log: log item changes with loglevel info

Sample Configuration

# /usr/local/smarthome/etc/smarthome.conf

lat = 51.1633
lon = 10.4476
elev = 500

tz = 'Europe/Berlin'

etc/logic.conf [mandatory]

It is possible to use a blank file (touch logic.conf) for the first steps.

Logic items within are simple python scripts, which are placed in /usr/local/smarthome/logics/. See the logic introduction for howto write logics.

An example of a very simple logic.conf:

# /usr/local/smarthome/etc/logic.conf
    filename =
    crontab = init would look in /usr/local/smarthome/logics/ for the file The logic would be started - once - when the system starts.

Following attributes are supported control the behavior of the logics:


The list of items will be monitored for changes.

watch_item = house.door | terrace.door

Every change of these two items triggers (run) the logic. Or you could use a regular expression:

watch_item = *.door


Defines the time interval for repeating the logic (in seconds).

cycle = 60

Special use:

cycle = 15 = 42

Calls the logic with trigger[‘value’] # == ‘42’


Like Unix crontab with the following options:

crontab = init Run the logic during the start of

crontab = minute hour day wday

  • minute: single value from 0 to 59, or comma separated list, or * (every minute)
  • hour: single value from 0 to 23, or comma separated list, or * (every hour)
  • day: single value from 0 to 28, or comma separated list, or * (every day) Please note: dont use days greater than 28 in the moment.
  • wday: weekday, single value from 0 to 6 (0 = Monday), or comma separated list, or * (every day)

crontab = sunrise Runs the logic at every sunrise. Use sunset to run at sunset. For sunset / sunrise you could provide:

  • an horizon offset in degrees e.g. crontab = sunset-6 You have to specify your latitude/longitude in smarthome.conf.

  • an offset in minutes specified by a ‘m’ e.g. crontab = sunset-10m

  • a boundary for the execution

    crontab = 17:00<sunset  # sunset, but not bevor 17:00 (locale time)
    crontab = sunset<20:00  # sunset, but not after 20:00 (locale time)
    crontab = 17:00<sunset<20:00  # sunset, beetween 17:00 and 20:00

crontab = 15 * * * = 50 Calls the logic with trigger[‘value’] # == 50

Combine several options with ‘|’:

crontab = init = 'start' | sunrise-2 | 0 5 * *


Priority of the logic used by the internal scheduling table. By default every logic has the the priority of ‘3’. You could assign [0-10] as a value. You could change it to ‘1’ to prefer or to ‘4’ to penalise the logic in comparison to other logics.

Other attributes

Other attributes could be accessed from the the logic with self.attribute_name.

Sample logic.conf

# /usr/local/smarthome/etc/logic.conf
    filename =
    cyle = 60

    filename =
    watch_item = dorr.bell # monitor for changes

[Blind Living]
    filename =
    crontab = 10,25,40,55 * * * # run every 15 minutes
    # cycle = 900 # could be used instead
    sunshine = no # accessed by self.sunshine

    filename =  # you could run the same logic file several times
    crontab = 10,25,40,55 * * * # run every 15 minutes
    sunshine = yes

etc/plugin.conf (mandatory)

It is possible to use a blank file (touch plugin.conf) for the first steps.

Plugins extend the core functionality of You could access these plugins from every logic script. For example there is a plugin for the prowl notification service to send small push messages to your iPhone/iPad. Plugins are placed in /usr/local/smarthome/plugins/.


Plugins are configured in the plugin.conf file. A simple plugin.conf:

# /usr/local/smarthome/etc/plugin.conf
[notify] # object instance name e.g. sh.notify
    class_name = Prowl # class name of the python class
    class_path = plugins.prowl # path to the plugin
    apikey = abc123abc123 # attribute for the plugin e.g. secret key for prowl

The object name, class name and class path must be provided. The other attributes depend on the individual plugin. See the corresponding plugin page for more information.

The example above would generate the following statement sh.notify = plugins.prowl.Prowl(apikey='abc123abc123'). From now on there is the object sh.notify and you could access the function of this object with sh.notify.function().

items/*.conf (optional)

Items could be specified in one or several conf files placed in the items directory of Valid characters for the item name are: a-z, A-Z and ‘_’!

A simple item configuration:

# /usr/local/smarthome/items/living.conf
    type = num

Use nested items to build a tree representing your environment.

# /usr/local/smarthome/items/living.conf
        type = num

        type = bool

            type = num

Item Attributes

  • type: for storing values and/or triggering actions you have to specify this attribute. (If you do not specify this attribute the item is only useful for structuring your item tree). Supported types: - bool: boolean type (on, 1, True or off, 0, False). True or False are internally used. Use e.g. if sh.item(): .... - num: any number (integer or float). - str: regular string or unicode string. - list: list/array of values. Usefull e.g. for some KNX dpts. - dict: python dictionary for generic purposes. - foo: pecial purposes. No validation is done. - scene: special keyword to support scenes
  • value: initial value of that item.
  • name: name which would be the str representation of the item (optional).
  • cache: if set to On, the value of the item will be cached in a local file (in /usr/local/smarthome/var/cache/).
  • enforce_updates: If set to On, every call of the item will trigger depending logics and item evaluations.
  • threshold: specify values to trigger depending logics only if the value transit the threshold. low:high to set a value for the lower and upper threshold, e.g. 21.4:25.0 which triggers the logic if the value exceeds 25.0 or fall below 21.4. Or simply a single value.
  • eval and eval_trigger: see next section for a description of these attributes.
  • crontab and cycle: see logic.conf for possible options to set the value of an item at the specified times / cycles.
  • autotimer see the item function below. e.g. autotimer = 10m = 42


For using scenes a config file into the scenes directory for every ‘scene item’ is necessary. The scene config file consists of lines with 3 space separated values in the format ItemValue ItemPath|LogicName Value:

  • ItemValue: the first column contains the item value to check for the configured action.
  • ItemPath or LogicName: the second column contains an item path, which is set to the given value, or a LogicName, which is triggered
  • Value: in case an ItemPath was specified the item will be set to the given value, in case a LogicName was specified the logic will be run (specify ‘run’ as value) or stop (specify ‘stop’ as value).
# items/example.conf
    type = scene
    type = num
# scenes/example.conf
0 otheritem 2
1 otheritem 20
1 LogicName run
2 otheritem 55
3 LogicName stop


This attribute is useful for small evaluations and corrections. The input value is accesible with value.

# items/level.conf
    type = num
    eval = value * 2 - 1  # if you call sh.level(3) sh.level will be evaluated and set to 5

Trigger the evaluation of an item with eval_trigger:

# items/room.conf
        type = num
        type = num
        type = num
        eval =,
        eval_trigger = room.temp | room.hum  # every change of temp or hum would trigger the evaluation of dew.

Eval keywords to use with the eval_trigger:

  • sum: compute the sum of all specified eval_trigger items.
  • avg: compute the average of all specified eval_trigger items.
  • and: set the item to True if all of the specified eval_trigger items are True.
  • or: set the item to True if one of the specified eval_trigger items is True.
# items/rooms.conf
        type = num
        type = bool
        type = num
        type = bool
        type = num
        name = average temperature
        eval = avg
        eval_trigger = room_a.temp | room_b.temp
        type = bool
        name = movement in on the rooms
        eval = or
        eval_trigger = room_a.presence | room_b.presence

Item Functions

Every item provides the following methods:


Returns the item id (path).


Returns the parent item. sh.item.return_parent()


Returns the children of an item. for child in sh.item.return_children(): ...

autotimer(time, value)

Set a timer to run at every item change. Specify the time (in seconds), or use m to specify minutes. e.g. autotimer(‘10m’, 42) to set the item after 10 minutes to 42. If you call autotimer() without a timer or value, the functionality will be disabled.

timer(time, value)

Same as autotimer, excepts it runs only once.


Returns the age of the current item value as seconds.


Returns the previous age of the item value as seconds.


Returns a datetime object with the time of the last change.


Returns a datetime object with the time of the next to last change.


Returns the value of the next to last change.


Returns a datetime object with the time of the last update.


Returns the caller of the latest update.


Fades the item to a specified value with the defined stepping (int or float) and timedelta (int or float in seconds). E.g., 1, 2.5) will in- or decrement the living room light to 100 by a stepping of ‘1’ and a timedelta of ‘2.5’ seconds.